Saturday, May 12, 2007


Ending Impeachment Myths V -- "The Bush Administration is killing the GOP's chances in 2008. Better to let them keeping doing it!"

Of all of the common arguments against impeachment that I've examined so far, this one is by far the one with the least merit.

I've seen and heard it phrased many different ways:
If confronted with this argument, I encourage you to drive straight to the heart of the matter: Any such partisan viewpoint on the matter is exactly the kind of "party before country" mentality that Democrats have been accusing the Republicans of for years. Such accusations have been quite accurate. For a Democrat to adopt such an attitude now is the height of rank hypocrisy, and, as such, should be strongly challenged.

The implications of impeachment go far beyond the immediate concerns of the 2008 election. Arguably, the future of our democracy is at stake.

Does the previous statement seem far-fetched? Then consider this little-known fact about impeachment: Upon successful conviction, the guilty party is not only removed from office, but is barred from ever again holding political office in the future. As it is laid out in our Constitution:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party, (defendant), convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Bearing that in mind, let's review a little history.

There are two things that are important to note in this brief tour of history:

Clearly, impeachment matters in the long run even more than the short run. If we are going to halt this steady race to the bottom in terms of Presidential behavior, there is no alternative but to place future executives -- regardless of the party they represent -- on notice that such behavior will not be tolerated. A successful impeachment not only stops the problem now, it helps prevent problems like it in the future.


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